Our Mission is Clear

We help you not only in applying for immigration but also in resettlement so that your transition process is smooth. All Allison’s clients are familiarized with Canada’s laws, social structure, climate, geography, living and working standards as well as other aspects of Canadian life before they depart for Canada

About Canada

Canada, one of the largest and most beautiful countries in the world, it is the ideal place to live and work because of its quality of living, education, income levels, health care system and a relatively safe and clean environment. Canada has a highly developed economy and is the largest trading partner of the United States. Its unending coasts, vast forests, mountain ranges, lakes and expanses of prairies, have bestowed upon Canada an abundance of natural resources which is a major factor contributing to its prosperity.

The Canadian government welcomes immigrants from all parts of the world on a fair basis and without any discrimination whatsoever. Canada also allows its citizen to have a dual nationality thereby letting a person hold a Canadian passport as well as one issued by his country of origin. An underlying thread of multiculturism gives the Canadian society a unique flavor of its own.

All Canadian citizens have the right to universal health care, social services and free primary and secondary school education A 1997 survey of people in 20 countries found that the majority placed Canada on top of a list of the ten countries where they would like to live. Most consider Canada a generous, peaceful and compassionate nation, while they see Canadians as honest, friendly and polite.

Economic prosperity, ethnic diversity, affordable housing, world-class transportation and Communication at reasonable costs, high educational and health care standards, added to economic stability and democratic elected regime makes Canada the perfect country to set up a business, to settle a family and to plan a future. Canada has a long tradition of welcoming immigrants. It receives almost over 300,000 immigrants per year.
